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Cheap and often overlooked - but great - analog cameras: the SLR

Bjarke Ahlstrand

The (cheap) alternative to plastic point and shoot cameras — plastic SLR cameras: The Single Reflex Lens camera!

Classic SLR film cameras from Nikon and Canon

Canon and Nikon (and many others) produced several single lens reflex cameras with all-auto and autofocus features, far more advanced than the simpler point and shoot cameras, and with the ability to mount both cheap and quality lenses!

So we decided to shoot a roll of Kodak
 Porta 160 and Portra 400 in a Canon EOS 50E and a Nikon F90X on a grey February 2022 Sunday.

We picked a few very affordable lenses; a dirt cheap zoom (Canon 28-80mm f3.5-5.6) and some primes (Canon 50mm f1.8, Nikon 20mm f2.8 and 85mm f1.8), and pointed - and shot - everything on full auto. So nothing fancy here, just regular snapshots on a relatively grey day, but the quality is definitely higher than the average point and shoot camera! No editing—straight scans.


Nikon F90X - Nikon 85mm f1.8 AF Nikkor - Kodak Portra 160


Nikon F90X - Nikon 85mm f1.8 AF Nikkor - Kodak Portra 160

Nikon F90X - Nikon 20mm f2.8 AF Nikkor - Kodak Portra 160



Canon EOS 50E - Canon EF 28-80mm f3.5-5.6 - Kodak Portra 400

Canon EOS 50E - Canon EF 28-80mm f3.5-5.6 - Kodak Portra 400

Canon EOS 50E - Canon EF 50mm f1.8 - Kodak Portra 400


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