Attention ULF (that’s Ultra Large Format, y’all) shooters! If you’ve got a big one, now is the time to take action 💥 We are taking orders for @ilfordphoto and their special campaign with FP4, HP5 Plus and Delta 100 films in virtually any crazy format you can imagine 🤪 Deadline for orders is August 20th so order your 4x10, 12x20, 5x12, 14x17, 8x16 with us now 🤓
#ilford #ilfordphoto #ilfordfilm #ulf#ultralargeformatfilm #ilfordhp5#ilfordhp5plus #ilfordfp4#ilforffp4plus #ilfordelta100#largeformatfilm#ultralargeformatphotography#ultralargeformatcamera ##20x24#4x10 #16x20 #12x20 #oomc#oneofmanycameras